Let’s face it, crabgrass is a nuisance to those of us who wish to have a beautiful, lush lawn.

There are several problems when attempting to combat crabgrass.  The first problem is the seeds from crabgrass can lie dormant in soil for years.  Another problem is hot, dry summer conditions that are tough on “good” grass is beneficial to crabgrass.  Insects such as, grubs, can also aid in the growth of crabgrass.  As they kill areas of turf grass from feeding on roots, they can create barren areas which creates a great place for crabgrass to get established.

The best way to help curtail the establishment of crabgrass is to use a prevantative herbicide early on in the spring months.  During the growing season, the best thing for your lawn is making sure it has sufficient water and food in the dry summer months.  These measures will give you a good edge on keeping crabgrass under control and hopefully out of your lawn.